Thursday, December 26, 2013

Get rid of that excess baggage and save some money! Tax Prepared!

Now is the time, if you have excess crap lying around I would highly recommend filling a few of those Christmas boxes with your used and unwanted old clothes and toys.  Take them to your local goodwill or non-profit resale shop and get a tax deduction for them.  

 You will feel so much better giving them to someone who needs them and the money you get to claim is far more than if you tried to sell them yourselves.  
I printed out the list from goodwill,    ( what is your donation worth?  )  went through the kids old clothes, boxed them up, and I donated $1500 in kids clothes in only 3 boxes!!!  You would be amazed at how quickly this stuff adds up.  Clean out your closets today and get that savings before the new year!  

If you need to clean up excess baggage in your body let me know I would love to help.Join the Movement with me today.

I am on a plan to start 2014 as clean as I can!  This applies to my health, my house, and my faith!  Here is to a Wonderful and baggage free 2014!

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