Friday, November 8, 2013

Hot HOT HOTTER, the Pepper!

The Hotter the Healthier?? 
                                                              When it comes to peppers, the HOTTER the Healthier!!!  

SHU:  Scoville Heat Unit - "the measurement of heat in a pepper"

Chile peppers like jalapeƱos, serranos and habaneros 

all have different degrees of heat. How hot they are is

 determined by how much of a substance called 

capsaicin they contain, and their heat is measured

 using a system called the Scoville Scale. 

The Scoville Scale is divided into units called Scoville

 Heat Units, which are a way of describing how many

 drops of sugar water it would take to dilute the heat 

of a given pepper. 

Some of the most noted and basic benefits of Capsaicin:
  • Fight inflammation
  • Natural Pain Relief
  • Boost Immunity
  • Weight Loss
  • Prevent Stomach ulcers
  • Lower Risk of Type II diabetes

Capsaicin may also stimulate the production of 

endorphins, which is why some people report 

experiencing a sense of euphoria when eating spicy 


 There is no way I can do Capsaicin any justice- It is a true superfood..
Here are some recommended websites about the benefits of Capsaicin.

TheWorld Healthiest foods

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