Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sensible Sun Exposure Can Help Prevent Melanoma, Breast Cancer, and Hundreds of Other Health Problems

Story at-a-glance

  • Exposure to sunlight increases nitric oxide production in your body, which lowers blood pressure and benefits your cardiovascular system. According to researchers, this benefit alone may outweigh the potential skin cancer risk
  • Vitamin D from sensible sun exposure appears essential in preventing 16 different types of cancer, including melanoma, and a host of other health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, fractures, and infections; in fact, optimizing your vitamin D with sun exposure may cut your risk of dying from all causes in half
  • Melanoma does not appear to be caused by UV exposure
  • Increased melanoma rates reported by health officials are caused by misclassification of non-cancerous lesions as “stage 1 melanoma.” 90 percent of melanoma surgeries end up not being melanoma and are unnecessary. Studies show avoiding the sun actually increases your risk for this deadly cancer
  • Sunshine is so important to your overall health that science is now finding a connection between the strength of your immune system and the month you were born, called the “birth month effect”

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