Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dont Say DIET!!! Small tweaks to lifestyle become habits

Let's face it, "Diets" don't work!  You need to forever change your habits that created the bulge you don't want.
 As a first step you need to evaluate what you eat, what you like to eat, and what you can change.

 A very good tool for evaluating your diet is the Michi's Ladder. I encourage you to print this food ladder out and circle all the foods you like,underline the ones that you can eat, and  cross out the ones you cant tolerate.  Use this as a reference.  DON'T ever throw it away. You will find some time from now if you are serious about your health that your answers to this quiz will change!

Hang it on your fridge and use this to plan your grocery shopping and always consider which level of the ladder you are eating. This is a very good start to changing daily habits. You will be amazed by the knowledge you now have how your attitude towards food will change.

The Michi's Ladder diet is based on the Japanese term "michi," which represents "the way."
Diet's by their very nature DO NOT work! You need to change your WAY, in other words your LIFE!
Here is a link to Beach Body Michi's Ladder

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